Monday, March 30, 2009
Seventh Group Run
Friday, March 27, 2009
Martha Stewart Would Cringe
Speaking of being busy, there are a few things that might happen when both members of your household are working full-time, training for a marathon, and using most of their spare time organizing fundraisers and begging for donations:
1. Your apartment might become even messier than it usually is. Cleaning will only happen when you know people are going to be coming over, or it’s too offensive to look at any longer. Or something starts to smell.
2. You might not have the energy or the inclination to cook after going for a run at night, so you might start to live off of frozen skillet meals and whatever places nearby that deliver. (I’d like to give a shout-out to Stouffer’s, Bertolli, and of course, Little Duck!)
3. Laundry might pile up, and you’ll only do a load mid-week so that you have enough running clothes to get by.
4. You might tell yourselves you need to buy more running clothes so you won’t have to do laundry mid-week, but then you’ll take forever and a day to get around to going to the store to actually purchase said clothes.
5. You might have a six-pack of beer in the fridge for well over a month and a few bottles of wine hanging around, completely untouched. This is unnatural, I know. But it might happen.
6. You might have to re-arrange your schedule for your whole week just to make plans to go out for a drink with a friend one lousy night after work.
7. You might be a redneck. (What?)
Busy and tired as you may be though, it will be completely, 100% worth it. You will feel so accomplished! Each week, you’ll feel more and more like a runner, and with each dollar you raise, you’ll know you did some good.
And really, who cares if your place is a pig sty most of the time? Messy is the new black.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Too Busy
Anyway, I feel a little guilty about not fitting in all of my scheduled runs, and instead eating copious amounts of food, but not guilty enough to go running in the morning. I need my precious, precious sleep!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sixth Group Run
It was chilly out, so Ol' Neon (my fleece pullover) made an appearance. I thought I'd eventually get too warm in it, seeing as how it was so sunny, and the day was sure to warm up, and we'd be running for such a long time, and I am really, REALLY willing the winter weather to be gone once and for all.... but it stayed chilly out, and I never got warm enough to run in just a T-shirt. I can't wait until it's warm enough for shorts and a T-shirt at 8:00am every time! Not that I'm complaining - We've been so lucky with all of our long runs so far. It hasn't snowed or rained yet.
(OK, I know I totally just jinxed myself and my teammates.)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Running Buddies
Last night, for example, I really didn't feel like doing anything. I was tired, my throat was sore, and I had run the previous two nights, so I thought my knees and shins could use a break. However, when I told Chris I was thinking of skipping my run he told me, "OK, I'm still going." He wasn't being judgmental or scolding me or anything; he just said it in a very matter-of-fact way, to let me know his plan. Somehow though, it gave me a little kick in the pants. I asked him if he thought I should just rest if I thought I was getting sick, and he reminded me that when he had a cold a couple of weeks ago, it didn't seem to hurt him any. Of course now I couldnt' be a wimp and skip running when I was feeling a tad under the weather, remembering that he hadn't!
So, we both went for that run, and I got to return the favor, in a way. When we were about two thirds of the way done with our route, Chris told me I should take the key to the apartment, which he had in his pocket, and run ahead, because he needed to walk for a while. I told him no way, he had to keep running. And he did!
I think having each other to rely on to give us a little push when we need it is really a huge advantage.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Practice Runs
Then, Kate said she’d signed up for a 10k in Cohasset on April 5, so I signed up for that too. This one’s also close to home and should be gorgeous. Eek, it’s so soon though. The distance should be just fine, but I need to start running faster! Not that I want to win or anything, I just don’t want to come in LAST. I’ve been trying to run fast (well, as fast as I can) during some of my 3-mile weeknight runs, but I have to find a pace I can maintain for 10k.
So, now I have a 10k in April, a half-marathon in May, and a marathon in June!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
In honor of St. Patrick's day, this week's cookie for sale at Chris' office (to raise money for the LLS) is the Shamrock Sugar Cookie!
This is is the first week we've bagged the cookies. I hope the people in Chris' office appreciate the extra effort.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a fun St. Paddy's Day. In the grandest Irish tradition, I plan to go for a run after work and then order Thai food.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Fifth Group Run
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Which is better?
Unplugged at the Fours
OR something completely different? Help us choose! We need a name for our April 24th fundraiser before we can start selling tickets! The event should be pretty awesome in every conceivable way (no exaggeration). We have some really talented people who will be performing and some great raffle prizes lined up, not to mention that the food there is YUMMY.
Speaking of fundraising, Chris and I each hit our 25% mark for our minimum last night, thanks to the fabulous people who have donated (and who have bought cookies at Chris' office)! We're feeling pretty good about reaching our goal of $4,300 each. In addition to the fundraiser at The Fours, we're going to continue selling home-made cookies, and we have a few other tricks up our sleeves, maybe even another event or two. Of course, we want to raise as much as we can, not just the bare minimum!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Fourth Group Run
Chris and Leenster both kicked butt, running the first 3 miles straight - at a really fast pace, mind you - and then mostly running the last 3, taking a couple of walking breaks. I ran the whole way, but my knees really didn’t like it. They were begging me to stop, but I told them to shut right up and I kept on running, albeit a LOT slower at the end!
Then during our 9-minute ab workout, my abs were SCREAMING at me. I better have washboard abs when this is over, I tell you what. Kathleen had just had an ab workout the day before with her personal trainer, so she took that time to have her gait analyzed and she bought some new running sneaks.
Yesterday we had perfect running weather again, but I had ice skating lessons, so I didn’t get out there. It felt a little weird to go ice-skating when it was sunny and 63 degrees outside.
That weather was such a tease….Today it’s freaking SNOWING, so it’ll be back to the treadmill once again tonight!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Save the Date!
We hope to have a website up shortly where you can buy tickets, and I will, of course, post a link here as soon as it's up and running!
Run for the Hills
(Click to make larger.)
Is it just me, or are we running uphill for entire miles? Mile 5 to mile 6, and mile 15 to mile 16? Am I reading this right?
Kristen said she sees hill workouts in our future, which means I see sore knees!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
“I've felt the coldness of my winter… I never thought it would ever go.”
Now, I am weird in that I don’t really mind the treadmill. Sure, I’d rather be outside. And yes, I think some treadmills totally LIE about how fast I’m going (I swear I was running WAY faster than 5.1 mph last night!). But overall, it’s not such a terrible experience. As long as I have my iPod, I’m golden. I even look forward to running on the treadmill lately, because in an effort to be safer, I’ve stopped listening to music whenever I run outside in the dark by myself. And when we go on group runs, we talk, plus I don’t think they’re really “allowed” by TNT. So, since the group runs are my only daytime runs these days, I never use my iPod for outdoor runs!
Last night it was Led Zeppelin, “Houses of the Holy,” to be exact. LOVE IT! The 3 miles flew by, even though I SWEAR TO GOD IT FELT LIKE I RAN ABOUT 8 BECAUSE I WAS GOING SO FAST ON THAT @*^&#*! TREADMILL!
Did I say I don’t mind the treadmill? Hmmm….
Anyway, we set the clocks ahead this coming Saturday night! Can you believe it? That means it’ll still be light out when I get home! So, I’ll probably start listening to tunes again while I run outside. Woo hoo!! I mean, I can only take this whole “safety first” thing so far.